
Showing posts from December, 2020

Tantegel - Dragon Quest Builders

  Tantegel By Adam Webster Based on the Video Game Dragon Quest Builders and part of the Dragon Quest Franchise My work was coming to an end. I had helped save people in 3 regions of this continent, just one left.  I had fought through extreme heat and cold, sand and snow. I had cured a blight, with hope and will. I had brought a new life to a community of despair. But this region, the once great Tantegel , was a whole new league of dread and despair. My first sensation of this land was that of the ground on my bare feet. Ash and bone covered the ground, as far as the eye could see. Black clouds draped the sky in an endless night. Even the monsters of the land were scarce, just a few skeleton swordsmen scattered here and there. Even I, the legendary builder sent by the Goddess Rubiss , thought Tantegel beyond repair. Hopeless.