Ambush on the Moon
Ambush on the Moon By Adam Webster I had been stalking my target for weeks, so I knew what path they were going to take. I studied the route my target would drive and the type of rover they drove, searching for any weakness I could exploit. Now I just needed to find a spot to lie in wait. I waited along the edge of a crater, forged from an old meteorite. I surveyed my surroundings, just desolate land and craters for miles, no structure or life form in sight. My goal was simple, take out the target and leave no witnesses. About 5 hours passed until I could see smoke clouds on the horizon, another 30 until the rover was in range. The front windshield was reinforced so I lined up my sights onto the tires, aiming for the front left. I took a deep inhale- and exhale- deep inhale- and- BOOM! Front left tire was blown, the rover leaned into the crate and within seconds, fell in. I could see the driver panicking, even through his helmet. The rover reached the bo...